We arrived for our (nearly) annual Whistler trip on Friday. We have had fantastic weather so far, and we are looking at 80 degree days for the rest of our trip. The Taggart family came up Saturday and we have been having a lot of fun with them so far. Here are some photos from our trip so far:
We started out the fun with a trip to the Upper Village, where we usually stay and where the Taggart's are staying. When we made reservations, they were booked at the main IntraWest Resort so we ended up at the Creekside area in another resort called Legends. It is almost identical to IntraWest, but they have air conditioning!
Here are the boys on the "Spin Cycle". Kate took a turn too.

We took a stroll to the main village.

There was some sort of major mountain biking competition going on over the weekend. There were LOTS of young people here over the weekend. By today, it was comparatively a ghost town!

Nintendo had a booth set up during the mountain biking competition. The kids got a chance to play the Wii Resort game.

Here are the kids in some heavy competition.

It wouldn't be Whistler without the famous IntraWest slide.

Kevin, Jack T., me and Cole took an ATV trip near Blackcomb Mountain. It lasted about 3 hours, and our group did so well that the guide took us on the intermediate course instead of the beginner's course. It was a lot of fun, and us four made friends with a family from Scotland. They were really nice and we all were fascinated with their very THICK Scottish accents! Here is Kevin and Jack ready to head back down the mountain after our morning snack.

They even let Cole take the quad through a big mud puddle. This was no problem after all of the practice he gets at his Uncle Adam's place.

Here is a shot of some of the easier trails we went on. The most fun was climbing over rocks and logs and "catching a little air" over some of the dips in the road. It was a lot more exciting than we expected!

Teresa and Mary Kaye took the girls and Jack to a ceramics shop and spent a couple of hours making some beautiful creations.