Before we left on the trip, Cascade Christian had their awards ceremony. This was Cole's 3rd quarter in a row to receive straight A's!
Take a look at some of the photos from the awards assembly and the field trip.
Here's Cole with his certificate for Straight A's!

Cole with one of his classmates on the tram tour.

This Bison just gave birth last week. Very cute!

Here is a shot of one of the elk, just before the tram engine backfired and started smoking.

After about 30 minutes, the attention span of 9 year old boys begins to wear thin.

Transferring to the rescue tram!

Cole participates in a Wetlands presentation.

These are the items a human needs to prepare himself to live in a Wetland. Austin was a good sport!

A wolf gets ready to nap in the afternoon sun.

The boys check out the coyote-cam. It's pretty cool because you get to control the camera and zoom in and out.

A trained beaver that was born in at NW Trek. He could respond to sign language. Maybe we should leave Tucker here for some training.

A great Horned Owl. It's horns must have fallen off?

Snowy owl.

A couple of bald eagles helped round out our tour.