Well, it is was our last day at Disneyland and California Adventure. We didn't actually make it out of the hotel room today until about 11:30am. We were just a little wiped out and I moving a little slow with my head cold. We had lunch at Millie's and then headed for California Adventure. We did a little shopping first, where we finally saw Mr. and Mrs. Incredible and got a great family photo. From there we went and watched the Aladdin show, which we all loved. Although , Jack kept leaning over to mom saying "Fake"...."Fake"...."That's fake" at many of the props including the camels, horses, snakes, etc. Teresa whispered, "Do you see the flying carpet?" to which Jack replied, "Do you see the wires holding it up?". Cole and I then went and rode the Tower of Terror. We finally had to wait about 35 minutes in line to ride one of the rides. I can't believe that we went all week without anything more than a 5 minute wait for any of the rides. Of course, as we came out of the ride there was no line at all. Go figure. While Cole and I did that - Teresa, Kate and Jack took an animation class with one of the Disney illustrators. They all learned to draw Pooh Bear and did a fantastic job. From there we went over to Disneyland to the Star Wars Jedi Training. Cole and Jack got picked first and were up on the main stage during the show. They learned how to use a light sabre, and then got to battle Darth Vader himself! It may have been the highlight of the trip for Mom and Dad to get to watch that! The rest of the evening was spent looking around, shopping at the Disney stores and watching the Parade of Dreams. We were going to finish the night off with a ride on the Monorail, but it was down for repairs with no estimate finish time. By then it was about 8:30pm and we were all starved anyway. We had a great dinner at Millie's and headed to the hotel room to begin packing. It is about 11pm now, and we are still in the middle of packing up all our stuff for the morning. The shuttle is coming for us at 8:15am. We will see you all very shortly, and have tons of great photos to share. Thanks for sharing our Disney vacation with us!
That Incredible Family and those two characters in tights.
Jedi Cole fights the forces of evil!
Jedi Jack resists the Dark Side!
Those young Jedi grow up too fast..JPG)
Night shot of the castle..JPG)
Kate and Jack get ready to watch the parade. Where's Cole? You guessed it...getting something to eat!.JPG)
The Parade of Dreams.
The final photo taken before we left Disneyland. A little sad, but we will be back!.JPG)